Saturday, February 5, 2011

TRIBUTE of the DAY: Poodi

POODI was an intense cat ... pumped intensely, looked intensely, loved intensely ... and sometimes "lost it" intensely, signs of which one had to watch out for! What a sweetie. A fast-moving stomach virus was her ticket out of here a couple of years ago, but she's right in our hearts, as always.


Here's a nice pix of a more than nice cat, the great UPPALI, whose eyes are the background of our blog masthead. He's the King of (the Cat) Carnival, respected by all, a door-handle opener with terrific presence, mentor to clueless kittens, curator of the cat collection in general. Santa Ysabel Mission Reservation east of San Diego was his birthplace; Cochin, India, is his home. Just likes "Indians."