Our cat ashram has been relocated 130 miles south, to an idyllic spot on a river, but lots of remodeling and cat customization has kept us from our blog. Seventeen cats moved with four dogs together in a Tempo Traveller van, following the rear ends of our temporarily docile three cute cows in a mini lorry. THEY WERE NOT PLEASED! We're still fixing things up as our semi-remote location is full of carpenters, plumbers, and electricians who take it easy and only work when they feel restless. One new resident has joined us since moving. LAKSHMI, a little spotted young one wickedly kicked out of one vegetable stall and into another at a village called Alumpedika. The kick caused some sort of permanent injury hard to diagnose but she's better after a month and very bright eyed. Climbed a coconut to the roof of one of our buildings, and had to be hauled down. Good sign.